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Fireman with Mustache

Fireworks Safety Guidelines
Fireman Mike Says:


  • Always read the instructions carefully before attempting to light a fireworks item.

  • Do not throw burned out sparklers on the ground. The hot debris left over from the sparkler can burn someone if they step on it.

  • Always wear proper clothing whenever you use fireworks. This includes cotton or denim clothing, long pants, eye protection, covered shoes, and (if necessary) ear protection.

  • Never drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs when using fireworks.

  • Keep fireworks away from open flames, including cigarettes. Do not smoke around fireworks.

  • Keep your fireworks dry. Never attempt to light fireworks that have become wet.

  • Store fireworks in a cool dry place, and away from children. Make sure small children cannot reach fireworks, and never allow a child to eat fireworks or put them in their mouth.

  • Do not buy generic fireworks that do not have labels identifying the manufacturer. All consumer fireworks should be clearly labeled as "Class C" or "1.4G" fireworks.

  • Do not buy illegal fireworks. Many of these devices contain explosive compounds that are sensitive to shock and friction.

  • Never allow children to use fireworks without direct adult supervision. Children should be instructed on the safe use of fireworks before allowing them to participate.

  • Never throw or toss fireworks at another person or animal.

  • Do not light fireworks in crowded areas.

  • Use proper instruments for lighting fireworks, such as instant-on torches, safety flares, punk sticks, and other suitable tools that provide some distance between the fireworks device and the person that is lighting it.

  • Never pick up unlit or unexploded fireworks. Malfunctioning fireworks should be soaked in a bucket of water for one hour before disposing. Never attempt to re-light malfunctioning fireworks.

  • Never put any part of your body over the top of any fireworks device. Light all fireworks at arms length, and retire to a safe distance once the device has been ignited.

  • When using fireworks that utilize mortar tubes, or repeaters commonly referred to as cakes), be sure the device is securely mounted or secured in a way that prevents it from tipping over once it is lit.

  • When lighting fireworks, consider the direction of the wind and wind speed. Never light fireworks if the wind is too strong.

  • Do not light fireworks near flammable objects.

  • Keep unused fireworks in a closed container and upwind from the place you are lighting your fireworks.

  • Use fireworks as intended. Do not disassemble fireworks.

  • Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby to extinguish fires.

  • Do not store failed or dud fireworks. These can suddenly ignite without warning.

  • Keep a first aid kit nearby for treatment of burns. If you are burned in any area above the shoulders, seek medical attention immediately. The Aloe cactus can be an excellent source of salve for treating minor burns.

  • Always clean your area of debris after you finish using fireworks. Children have a habit of looking for unexploded fireworks. Dispose of fireworks properly.

  • Never light or hold lit fireworks in your hand or any other part of your body.

  • Shoot fireworks one at a time, never try to light several fuses at one time.

  • Never shoot fireworks from metal or glass containers.

  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket.

  • Use fireworks outdoors in approved areas only, and away from buildings and dry grassy areas.


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